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Associations, Federations and Special Interest Groups

Aware of the importance of international cooperation for the advancement of science, INSTICC works closely together with several other national and international associations and is proud to welcome them as partners in its activities or to arrange initiatives in cooperation with them.

While several forms of partnership are welcome, INSTICC places special value in "Technical Co-Sponsorships", by means of which both associations support each other from a scientific perspective for their mutual benefit. Additionally, in this case, members of partner organizations benefit from the same registration conditions as INSTICC members.

Current Institutional Partners:

Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication

INSTICC is the Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication, a scientific, non-profit, association whose main goals are to serve the international scientific community by promoting, developing and disseminating knowledge in the areas of information systems and technologies, control and communication. It has organized hundreds of successful scientific conferences across the world since 2003, in collaboration with the main international institutions in its areas of interest.

Workflow Management Coalition

Founded in 1993, the Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC) is a global organization of adopters, developers, consultants, analysts, as well as university and research groups engaged in workflow and BPM. The WfMC creates and contributes to process related standards, educates the market on related issues, and is the only standards organization that concentrates purely on process. The WfMC created Wf-XML and XPDL, the leading process definition language used today in over 80 known solutions to store and exchange process models. XPDL is a process design format for storing the visual diagram and all design time attributes.

Object Management Group

The Object Management Group (OMG) is an international, open membership, not-for-profit computer industry standards consortium. Founded in 1989, OMG standards are driven by vendors, end-users, academic institutions and government agencies.

OSGP Alliance

The OSGP Alliance is the global non-profit association dedicated to promoting the adoption of the Open Smart Grid Protocol (OSGP) and infrastructure for smart grid applications towards a future-proof modern smart grid. With a key focus on security, smart metering, smart grid, grid analytics, distribution network management and smart cities our members, including utilities, hardware manufacturers, service providers and system integrators, all share a common goal and vision: promoting open standards for energy demand side management, smart grid and smart metering systems.

International Federation of Global & Green Information Communication Technology

IFGICT is an independent organization created takes the lead and set industry standards for the talent development profession in ICT and business technology. IFGICT is a international supplier of the highest quality certification and examination services in a variety of global standards and best practice frameworks in the business technology and Information Technology domains.

Our delight and pledge to constantly improving professionalism and the enormous satisfaction that we receive in exceeding our customer’s prospect is a key evaluate of our act and accomplishment. This joint with our means and strength of experience in professional certification and deliverance of examination services underpins our confidence in our capability to offer you with world rank service.

IFGICT is a not for profit registered federation in US and shortlisted by UNFCCC – CDM (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change – Clean Development Mechanism) as a Certified Service Provider for the provision of consultancy, training and implementation of efficient technology in the information and communication technology sector.

Kindly visit our profile on UNFCCC – CDM website for more info about projects and visit the UNFCCC Official website on information about the framework. IFGICT has recently been invited to join the IEEE– TCG Communications & Computing which is a chapter of the prestigious IEEE Communication Society

Cluster Habitat Sustentável

Cluster Habitat Sustentável (Sustainable Habitat Cluster) is one of the competitiveness clusters recognized in Portugal that brings together companies, municipalities, R&D centers, business associations and other entities that are committed to sustainability as a motto for Innovation and Competitiveness.

The Cluster aim to create synergies among its members for the development of new products, technologies and building systems, a new practice in designing space, buildings and cities, leading to a permanent attitude of innovation through the built environment sustainability, aiming to generate competitiveness.

EDSO for Smart Grids

EDSO for Smart Grids gathers leading European distribution system operators (DSOs) for electricity, cooperating to bring smart grids from vision to reality in Europe and is focused on guiding EU RD&D, policy and member state regulation to support this development.
