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Special Session
Special Session on
Smart City and Smart Energy Networks
 - SMEN 2025

2 - 3 April, 2025 - Porto, Portugal

Within the 14th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems - SMARTGREENS 2025


Francesco Liberato Cappiello
Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II

Brief Bio
Francesco L. Cappiello was graduated cum laude in Aerospace and Astronautical Engineering at the University of Naples Federico II, Italy in 2017. He obtained the Ph.D. degree in Industrial Engineering in 2021. In 2021 he has been entitled as Researcher at the University of Naples Federico II. His research activity mainly deals with renewable smart energy networks. In particular, he focused on the following topics: sustainable mobility; electric vehicles fed by renewables; polygeneration plants; district heating/cooling networks (4th and 5th gen); cogeneration/trigeneration; hydrogen as electric energy storage; reduction of primary energy consumption of residential districts, energy measure for reducing the primary energy consumption of hospitals and healthcare facilities, reverse osmosis coupled with renewable energy sources, dynamic simulations of energy systems, energy saving in buildings and many others. He spent six months at Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart, developing dynamic models of several modular trigeneration layouts for a big hospital of Stuttgart. This analysis also included the hybridization of the trigeneration plant with photovoltaic technology. He spent one month at AGH University of Science and Technology (Kraków) modelling the dynamic performance of centrifugal compressors for compressed air energy storage systems. His research activity is also developed in cooperation with several international institutions (Spain, Germany and Poland). He is a reviewer of about 10 international Journals. He was topic editor for 2 International Journals. He is guest editor in a special issue on two International Journals. He was a supervisor of several BsC, MS, and PhD students at the University of Naples Federico II. He was a conference presenter in several sessions of International Conferences. He was a conference chair and presenter in several sessions of International Conferences.
Maria Vicidomini
University of Napled Federico II

Brief Bio
Maria Vicidomini was graduated cum laude in Environmental engineering at the University of Naples Federico II, 2013. She obtained the Ph.D. degree in Industrial Engineering in 2018 and entitled as Researcher at the University of Naples Federico II in 2019. Her research activity has been mainly focused on the development of dynamic simulation models for the energy, economic and environmental analysis of innovative distributed polygeneration systems, supplied by renewable energy and natural gas. Building Integrated Solar Thermal Systems and internal combustion engines for the production of heat, cool and power. Solar heating and cooling systems. Solar desalination. Hybrid system based on wind, solar and geothermal energy. Electrical storages and vehicles. Her research activity is developed in cooperation with several international institutions. She was guest editor in special issues on International Journals. She is a member of the scientific committee, conference chair and presenter of international conferences.
Luca Cimmino
Federico II of Naples

Brief Bio
Assistant Professor at University of Naples Federico II. Expert of renewable energy systems, hydrogen systems, synthetic fuels and Power-to-X technologies in general.


In response to decarbonization targets, a number of policies and technologies have been developed and implemented in recent years to reduce energy consumption and pollutant emissions in urban areas. In this framework, smart cities, based on advanced energy networks, offer a promising technological solution. They not only enhance the integration of renewable energy sources but also maintain a high quality of life for city residents. Smart energy networks can seamlessly integrate a plurality of energy vectors, renewable sources, and users, optimizing the self-consumption of renewables.
Advanced and smart control systems are crucial for managing these complex energy networks. These energy strategies can efficiently distribute surplus energy among network users and across different storage systems and energy vectors.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
  • Advanced Control Strategies for Managing Smart Energy Networks
  • Machine Learning-based Control Strategies for Energy Network
  • 4th Generation District Heating and Cooling Networks (4GDHC) Powered by Renewables or Coupled with Innovative Technologies
  • 5th Generation District Heating and Cooling Networks (5GDHC) Powered by Renewables or Coupled with Innovative Technologies
  • Electric Vehicles and Their Integration into Energy Systems
  • Optimal Management of Electric Vehicles Charging
  • Optimal Management of Surplus Electricity
  • Control Strategies for Peak Shaving and Peak Shifting to Prevent Grid Imbalances and Overvoltage
  • Optimal Integration of Multiple Renewable Energy Sources to Balance Peak Power Production and Demand
  • Power-to-x Technologies


Paper Submission: February 3, 2025 (expired)
Authors Notification: February 13, 2025 (expired)
Camera Ready and Registration: February 21, 2025 (expired)


Mohsen Ahmadi, Florida Atlantic University, United States
Chiara Martone, Department of Engineering, University of Sannio, Italy
Jones Luís Schaefer, Pontifical Catholic University of Parana, Brazil

(list not yet complete)


Prospective authors are invited to submit papers in any of the topics listed above.
Instructions for preparing the manuscript (in Word and Latex formats) are available at: Paper Templates
Please also check the Guidelines.
Papers must be submitted electronically via the web-based submission system using the appropriated button on this page.


After thorough reviewing by the special session program committee, all accepted papers will be published in a special section of the conference proceedings book - under an ISBN reference and on digital support - and submitted for indexation by SCOPUS, Google Scholar, DBLP, Semantic Scholar, EI and Web of Science / Conference Proceedings Citation Index.
SCITEPRESS is a member of CrossRef ( and every paper is given a DOI (Digital Object Identifier).
All papers presented at the conference venue will be available at the SCITEPRESS Digital Library


SMARTGREENS Special Sessions - SMEN 2025