Cornel Klein
Siemens AG
Brief Bio
Cornel Klein is Research Program Manager within the Technology Field “Software and Systems Innovation” of Siemens Corporate Technology in Munich. He is current leading a corporate research program on validation and engineering of intelligent and autonomous systems. Starting his career 1998 at Siemens Public Networks, he held several leading and expert positions within the company and also represented Siemens in external partnerships like ITEA, ARTEMIS/ECSEL and SPES. He has gained an extensive knowledge in communications, cyber-physical and embedded systems, software- and systems engineering as well as in various
application domains like automotive, mobility and smart cities/smart buildings. Cornel Klein holds a master and a PhD degree in Computer Science from the Technical University of Munich.
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Francesco Calise
University of Naples Federico II
Brief Bio
Francesco Calise was born in 1978 and graduated cum laude in mechanical engineering from the University of Naples Federico II, Italy in 2002. He obtained the Ph.D. degree in Mechanical and Thermal Engineering in 2006. He is Full Professor of applied thermodynamics at the University of Naples Federico II. His research activity is mainly focused on the following topics: fuel cells, advanced optimization techniques, solar thermal systems, concentrating photovoltaic/thermal and photovoltaic systems, energy saving in buildings, solar heating and cooling, Organic Rankine Cycles, geothermal energy, dynamic simulat
ions of energy systems, renewable polygeneration systems, hydrogen, district heating and cooling, power to x, smart grids and many others. He was invited lecturer for PhD courses and international conferences. He is a member of the scientific committees of several international Conferences and Chair of two international conferences. He teaches several courses of energy management and applied thermodynamics at the University of Naples Federico II for BsC, MS and PhD students. He was a supervisor of several Ph.D. degree theses. He is a reviewer of about 30 international Journals. He was involved, as researcher or principal investigator, in several Research Projects funded by EU and Italian Government. He is Member of the Editorial Board of several International Journals. His Scopus indexes (Oct 2022 are: Documents: 158; Citations: 5740; H-Index:46)
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Sonja Klingert
University of Stuttgart
Brief Bio
Sonja Klingert has been with the University of Stuttgart since 2022 as a senior researcher leading the working group on energy systems at the chair of distributed systems. She is part of the leading personnel of EU H2020 projects RENergetic and DECIDE. Prior to that she was a
researcher and project manager EU FP7 research projects FIT4Green, All4Green, and DC4Cities as well as the H2020 projects ELECTRIFIC. Before joining University of Mannheim, she was coordinator of the EU FP6 project GridEcon at the International University in Germany. Prior to this, she worked as a researcher for the Wuppertal Institute
for Climate, Environment and Energy, Germany. Her interests lie in demand response and corresponding metrics, in green business models, eco-aware contracts and energy communities as well as impact analysis. She has excellent experience in leading transdisciplinary working groups. Regarding roles in the scientific community, among others, she was chair of the international workshop series Energy Efficient Data Centres (E2DC) (2012-2016) and was part of the organization team of the international conference ACM e-Energy (2015-2016, 2021-2022). S. Klingert has a PhD in business economics from the University of Mannheim.
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Stefania Santini
Università di Napoli Federico II
Brief Bio
Stefania Santini is a Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering, and Information Technologies (DIETI) at the University of Naples Federico II, Napoli, Italy, where she leads the Distributed Automation Systems Lab. She is involved in many projects with industry, including small- and medium-sized enterprises, also operating in the transportation field. Her research interests include nonlinear control of cyber-physical systems and networked control with applications to energy, automotive engineering, transportation technologies. She is currently Associated Editor of IEEE Trans. on Intelligent Transp
ortation Systems. She is the Vice-chair of the IEEE ITSS - Italian Chapter and member of the IEEE TC on Smart Cities (TC-SC).
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Maria Vicidomini
University of Napled Federico II
Brief Bio
Maria Vicidomini was graduated cum laude in Environmental engineering at the University of Naples Federico II, 2013. She obtained the Ph.D. degree in Industrial Engineering in 2018 and entitled as Researcher at the University of Naples Federico II in 2019. Her research activity has been mainly focused on the development of dynamic simulation models for the energy, economic and environmental analysis of innovative distributed polygeneration systems, supplied by renewable energy and natural gas. Building Integrated Solar Thermal Systems and internal combustion engines for the production of heat, cool and power. Sol
ar heating and cooling systems. Solar desalination. Hybrid system based on wind, solar and geothermal energy. Electrical storages and vehicles. Her research activity is developed in cooperation with several international institutions. She was guest editor in special issues on International Journals. She is a member of the scientific committee, conference chair and presenter of international conferences.
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Francesco Liberato Cappiello
Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
Brief Bio
Francesco L. Cappiello was graduated cum laude in Aerospace and Astronautical Engineering at the University of Naples Federico II, Italy in 2017. He obtained the Ph.D. degree in Industrial Engineering in 2021. In 2021 he has been entitled as Researcher at the University of Naples Federico II. His research activity mainly deals with renewable smart energy networks. In particular, he focused on the following topics: sustainable mobility; electric vehicles fed by renewables; polygeneration plants; district heating/cooling networks (4th and 5th gen); cogeneration/trigeneration; hydrogen as electric energy storage; re
duction of primary energy consumption of residential districts, energy measure for reducing the primary energy consumption of hospitals and healthcare facilities, reverse osmosis coupled with renewable energy sources, dynamic simulations of energy systems, energy saving in buildings and many others.
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