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Keynote Lectures

Towards 100% Renewable Energy Supply
Gerard Smit, University of Twente, Netherlands

Towards Future Mobility with Mesh Connected Vehicles
João Barros, Independent Researcher, Portugal

Managing the Tidal Wave of Data in the Genius (Internet) of Things
Sandra Gannon, IBM Internet of Things, Ireland


Towards 100% Renewable Energy Supply

Gerard Smit
University of Twente

Brief Bio
Gerard J.M. Smit received his MSc degree in electrical engineering from the University of Twente. After graduation, he worked for four years at the Research laboratory of Océ, Venlo, the Netherlands. In 1994 he received his PhD degree. He currently is a Full Professor with the faculty of EEMCS, University of Twente, leading the CAES chair, where he is responsible for a number of research projects sponsored by the EU, industry and Dutch government in the field of low-power embedded systems and energy management for Smart Grids. He is PI or co-PI of a number of National and international projects. He published more than 200 research papers. The CAES group has an excellent track record in start-up companies: e.g. Recore Systems, IPSUM, StructWeb and Qbay Logic.

In most North-Western European countries, approximately 40% of the total energy consumption of buildings is related to heat demand for space heating and domestic hot water. Today the Netherlands mostly relies on combustion of natural gas to supply the heat demand. The Dutch ministry of economic affairs recently announced a shift of paradigm: initiatives towards integration of renewable energy in the heating sector will be encouraged in order to phase-out the use of natural gas completely by 2060.

A modeling framework is needed to analyze options for 100% renewable urban districts which self-consume local generated renewable energy as much as possible and import (or export) energy from (or to) external grids as little as possible.

Methods are needed to model thermal energy demand, renewable energy production and energy storage. Energy scheduling algorithms need to be developed to control energy generation and storage in order to prioritize demand and maximize self-consumption of local renewable energy. In this presentation the modeling framework is applied to a case study in which three renewable energy system concepts are evaluated against the case reference. Optimal capacities are determined for minimal operational costs and carbon dioxide production. The most attractive transition routes towards 100% renewable energy supplied districts are identified and discussed in relation to a collective or individual heating approach.



Towards Future Mobility with Mesh Connected Vehicles

João Barros
Independent Researcher

Brief Bio
João Barros Founder and CEO of VeniamAn award-winning wireless engineer, academic leader and passionate entrepreneur, João loves to turn complex theorems and algorithms into products and services that can make a real difference in people's lives. After more than a decade developing new wireless networking technologies at Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Universidade do Porto, MIT, and Carnegie Mellon, João founded two venture-backed startups, Streambolico and Veniam, where he serves as board director and CEO respectively. His work has led to 160 science and technology papers, as well as feature articles by NPR, BBC, MIT Technology Review, The Atlantic, and TechCrunch. João Barros has received several awards, including the 2010 IEEE Communications Society Young Researcher Award for the Europe, Middle East and Africa region, the 2011 IEEE ComSoC and Information Theory Society Joint Paper Award, the 2012 BES National Innovation Award, the 2013 Building Global Innovators Grand Prize (ISCTE-IUL and MIT) and a state-wide best teaching award by the Bavarian State Ministry of Sciences, Research and the Arts. João Barros has a Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology from the Technische Universitaet Muenchen (Germany), his undergraduate education in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the Universidade do Porto, Portugal and Universitaet Karlsruhe, Germany, and a performing arts degree in flute from the Music Conservatory of Porto, Portugal.

The most cost-effective solution to acquire massive amounts of actionable urban data and expand wireless coverage for everyone in the city may be to rapidly connect as many vehicles moving around the city as possible. In fact, vehicles are everywhere, have large batteries, come with dozens of sensors and benefit from a dedicated frequency band (DSRC 5.9 GHz). Once we turn vehicles into mobile Wi-Fi hotspots, they can connect to many other things – inside and outside of the vehicle – serving as the perfect data couriers for the Internet of Things. Last but not last, they can easily connect with each other over high-speed wireless links, building mesh networks that can span an entire city.
After our company Veniam connected hundreds vehicles with multi-purpose, multi-network onboard units in September 2014, this real-world mesh has served more than 5 million Internet sessions and has since proven to be a real asset as Porto strives to overcome the digital divide, increase safety, reduce pollution, and control traffic. Singapore and New York City are now following suit.
Since roughly 26% of the world’s 1.2 billion vehicles belong to enterprise fleets that generally travel many miles every day, starting with commercial vehicles like buses, taxis and shared vehicles appears to be the best strategy to scale the number of connected vehicles. Add to that the current trend towards mobility as an on-demand service – which will probably be provided in the near future by fleets of shared autonomous vehicles. Soon this strategy may actually be the only one we need to create vibrant connected cities with exciting new mobility services worldwide.



Managing the Tidal Wave of Data in the Genius (Internet) of Things

Sandra Gannon
IBM Internet of Things

Brief Bio
Sandra Gannon is a Product Designer and Architect in the Watson Internet of Things (IoT) business unit in IBM. Sandra has worked in software development for nearly 12 years in a number of roles such as Information Developer, Lead Information Developer, Scrum Master, and Release Manager. Sandra's primary role as Product Designer and Architect is to work with customers to validate their business needs and to designs product changes using the latest technology that exceed their expectations. Sandra is a fair weather cyclist and is training for half marathons.

The Internet of things (IoT) is no longer a future phenomenon. The IoT is upon us and the number of connected devices is growing. These devices are changing lives—and the nature of data. By 2025, that data will equal 11 trillion dollars in economic value. Business-to-business (B2B) users will benefit the most. 70 percent of the value of the IoT will go to increasing efficiency in factories and connected supply chains. Attend this session to learn how to manage the data to optimize operation efficiencies, increase customer satisfaction, and disrupt your market.


