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Media Partners

Publications, websites and institutions related to this event, its satellite events and its venue are welcome to enter a media partnership with SMARTGREENS, by means of which they assist in divulging the conference through a link exchange, by forwarding our Call for Papers or by publishing news pieces about the event, its speakers or satellite events.

Current Media Partners:


MarketsandMarkets is a global market research organization which is also into advisory and consulting services. We publish strategically analyzed market research reports and serve as a business intelligence partner to Fortune 500 companies across the world.
Using effective technology to automate management of large and complex data for forecasts, we provide global analysis, data and insights through unique & in-depth research, serving multi-client reports, company profiles, databases, and custom research services. These intelligence databases comprises of about 60000 reports a year, which forms one of the world's largest intelligence resources. M&M plans to launch industry-wise and country wise market tracker for all existing research verticals.

The major industries that we cover in our market intelligence deliverables are:
- Telecom & IT
- Semiconductor & electronics
- Chemicals
- Medical Devices
- Pharmaceuticals
- Energy and Power
- Healthcare & Life sciences
- Food and Beverages
- Aerospace and Defense
